Factors Hindering Male Involvement in Birth Preparedeness among Mothers Attending Antenatal Care at Ishaka Adventist Hospital in Bushenyi District

  • Nankya Viola School of Nursing Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
  • Ankunda Elias School of Nursing Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
  • Ndagire Nuruh School of Nursing Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
  • Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
Keywords: Antenatal Care, Birth, Male, Mothers


Failure of males to involve themselves in birth preparedness programs for their pregnant spouses remains a major challenge hindering maximum positive pregnancy outcomes. The purpose of this study was to assess factors hindering male involvement in birth preparedness among mothers attending ANC at Ishaka Adventist Hospital. A quantitative cross-sectional study was carried out among 73 mothers at the ANC clinic who were selected by simple random sampling, assessed by questionnaire and data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. Results of the research study found 49(67.1%) of mothers reported that their husbands were aged between 25-45 years, 66(90.4%) were married to their husbands, 48(65.8%) were peasants, 40(54.8%) said that their husbands had attained secondary education. 71(97.3%) reported that it was allowed for men to participate in birth preparedness, 51(69.8%) lived with their husbands, and 47(64%) did not share ideas about pregnancy care with their husbands. 35(47.9%) came from distances of 3-5 kilometers, all 73(100%) mothers reported that there was no space designed for men at the ANC clinic and 34(46.6%) reported that the waiting time at the ANC clinic was more than 1 hour. The conclusion of the study found demographic factors that hindered male involvement were low age, low income level as well and low levels of formal education. Social cultural factors that hindered male involvement included not sharing birth preparedness with their wives whereas the health care factors included long waiting times and lack of space for men among others.


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How to Cite
Viola, N., Elias, A., Nuruh, N., & Obeagu, E. I. (2023). Factors Hindering Male Involvement in Birth Preparedeness among Mothers Attending Antenatal Care at Ishaka Adventist Hospital in Bushenyi District. International Research in Medical and Health Sciences, 6(3), 25-33. https://doi.org/10.36437/irmhs.2023.6.3.C