Effects of Motivational Techniques on the Oral Hygiene Status of Patients Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: A Comparitive Interventional Study
Introduction: Malocclusion is one of the common oral problems that not only affects the facial appearance but also has a large impact in terms of discomfort, quality of life, and social and functional limitation Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances is a risk factor for plaque accumulation. Therefore, the maintenance of oral hygiene is essential to prevent the occurrence and severity of gingivitis and periodontal disease.
Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of verbal and illustration methods of motivation for patients who are undergoing fixed mechanotherapy.
Methodology: A Cross-sectional, interventional study was carried out on patients undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment attending the OPD (Outpatient Department) of a Dental college in Uttar Pradesh. Forty orthodontic patients were selected with fully bonded pre-adjusted edgewise appliances in both arches and randomly divided into two groups. Modified Plaque Index and Gingival Index were scored at baseline and after one month. The collected data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - SPSS v22.0 software package. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and frequency distributions were used. Student’s t-test was carried out to compare the means of the Plaque Index and Gingival Index at the baseline and at the one-month follow-up of the study.
Results: The study results indicated that the method of providing oral health education to orthodontic patients using an illustration catalogue was better than just providing verbal information as there was a higher percentage change observed for both Plaque Index (42.98) as well as Gingival Index (10.74) and the results were found to be statistically very significant for Group B (p = 0.000) from the baseline to 1 month for both the indices. Thus, the illustration method was found to be more effective than verbal instructions only.
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