A Study to Assess Medication Adherence among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with and without Chronic Kidney Disease attending the Out-patient Department, Tertiary Care Hospital, Vellore
Background: Due to the high prevalence of long-term health issues and the aging population, medication non-adherence is a widespread issue worldwide. If a patient doesn't take their prescription as directed, they probably won't benefit from it to its fullest extent.
Aims and Objectives: To identify medication adherence among patients with CKD.
Methodology: A cross-sectional research design for a period of 1 year A total of 45 patients with CKD were recruited using the consecutive sampling technique.
Results: The age group < 53 was 4.73 (SD 1.38) and the> 53 age group was 4 (SD 1.21) Majority of them lived in rural localities 4.46 (SD 1.44), Married 4.45 (SD 1.28). Employed 3.75 (SD 0.0), Joint family 4.86 (SD 1.32), and had primary education 4.25 (SD 2.28). 80% were nonadherent to medication in CKD patients and 20% were adherent to medication in patients without CKD.
Conclusion: To slow the progression of CKD, support of multidisciplinary action along with practice health education would enable the patients motivated to adhere to the treatment regimen.
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