"Dimensional Perspectives: A Comprehensive Review of 3D Cephalometrics"
Two-dimensional (2D) lateral and frontal radiography, combined with the three-dimensional (3D) cephalometric examination, represents a distinctive method that complements standard clinical assessments used to assess and quantify dysmorphoses affecting the skull and face. The 2D cephalometric analysis can be categorized into dimensional and topological approaches. Dimensional analysis measures various craniofacial structures relative to a line or reference plane, while topological analysis compares the proportions of different craniofacial structures within a subject to establish facial and mandibular topology.3-D cephalometry involves geometric analysis of the head in three dimensions. To achieve this, precise volumetric head measurements are essential, along with tools capable of accessing this 3-D dataset reliably and consistently. It is crucial to integrate these capabilities into a toolset that ensures dependable access to the data of interest. Furthermore, there is a need to establish connections between traditional 2-D methodologies and emerging 3-D analysis techniques.
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