A Systematic Review Study on Self-Care in Diabetic Patients: The Most Important Factors Affecting the Self-Care of These Patients
Introduction: Diabetic patients are aware of the principles of proper nutrition, choice of foods, careful observation of treatment pattern, foot care, exercise and appropriate physical activity along with lifestyle changes and mental and health care. They play a role in preventing short-term complications. Observing these will also delay the progression of long-term complications of diabetes. Achieving such goals undoubtedly requires patient participation in self-care and dynamic and continuous education, so that without self-care training for diabetic patients and their participation in self-care, more expensive health care, and impaired quality of life. Therefore, this systematic review study was done on most important factors affecting of self-care in diabetic patients.
Materials and Methods: In this systematic review, in order to achieve the goal of the study and to improve the study's precision and its comprehensive understanding, this integrated overview study was conducted based on the Broome method. Broome's method is based on three stages of the search of texts, data evaluation and data analysis, so that in the search phase, the texts of post-retrospective studies are examined in terms of the criteria for entering the study in four stages and after obtaining entry conditions The content of the study is evaluated and the data is analyzed at the end.In the first stage, 43 papers were found. Of these, 12 articles related to the topic that were published in the last 23 years were reviewed.
Results: In this article, 12 studies were reviewed. In one of these studies, there was a significant relationship between self-care and patient visit in the clinic that Knowledge and education in the referring subjects increased their mean self-care score.
Conclusion: According to the results of the studies, diabetic patients have poor self-care, and this poor self-care imposes huge costs on affected individuals each year. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to improve the care of these patients.