A systematic Review Study on the Results of Empowerment-Based Interventions in Diabetic Patients
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent diseases caused by metabolic disorders and an important global challenge. Empowerment is a collaborative approach to diabetes care and patient education. In this study, our intention is to systematically review the effects of empowerment interventions in diabetic patients, in order to understand the impact of empowerment on diabetic patients, this study was conducted with the aim of doing this.
Materials and Methods: In this systematic review, we used the articles published in the last 30 years regarding the results of empowerment interventions in patients with diabetes. It was conducted in English and Persian by searching articles in search engines, scholarly sites and databases Magiran, Google Scholar, Embase, ResearchGate, Sciencedirect, PubMed, Springer. In the first stage 40 articles were found. Of these, 15 related articles that have been published in the last 30 years have been reviewed.
Results: In this study, 15 papers were reviewed the empowerment approach of diabetic patients increases the level of knowledge, Increasing self-efficacy and improving the quality of life of adolescents, Making positive changes in the overall scale of attitude towards the disease and the patient's independent independence scale, Improve self-esteem scores and self-care and reducing the amount of hemoglobin A1C, Improve overall self-care behaviors, Reducing Glycosylated Hemoglobin and Improving Quality of Life, Blood glucose control (decrease in HbA1c), and so on.
Conclusion: The review of this review confirms the importance of empowerment-based interventions on increased control and self-care in diabetes patients in diabetic patients. Not paying attention to all dimensions of empowerment, not paying attention to the impact of demographic variables on empowerment, failure to follow up programs Lack of training by specialist staff and so on Can be seen by reviewing the results of the studies. Therefore, considering the broad concept of empowerment and as an effective approach to protecting patients with diabetes, it's necessary these restrictions will be considered in future research.