Comparison of Relationship between Pain Perception and Attitude towards Orthodontic Treatment in Population Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Treatment in North India
Introduction: Gender and age of subjects were correlated with the general attitude toward orthodontic treatment. Approximately, 90% to 95% of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment experience pain during the whole procedure. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between pain perception and attitude towards orthodontic treatment.
Material and method: Total of 100 subjects were selected for the study from the age group of 21-25 years of age, they were divided into two groups according to gender that is 50 male and 50 females subjects, further divided into subgroups consisting 25 treated and 25 untreated.
Result: There was a statistically significant difference (P = 0.003) in the attitude of untreated and treated groups. A two-sample t-test revealed, there was no statistically significant difference in pain perception of males and females in the untreated group (P = 0.64) and treated group (P = 0.23).
Conclusion: Gender had no effect on the pain perception or attitude of the patients toward treatment. A more positive attitude was found in patients who experienced less pain during orthodontic treatment.