MARPE in Orthodontics- A Review Article
"Microimplant-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion with Cortical Bone Support." It refers to a specific technique in orthodontics that utilizes microimplants (mini-implants or temporary anchorage devices) to assist in rapid palatal expansion (RPE) without the need for surgical intervention. Here's a breakdown of what this approach involves and its significance:
- Microimplant-Assisted: This indicates that the palatal expansion is facilitated or supported by the use of microimplants. These are small screws or implants placed temporarily into the bone to provide anchorage for orthodontic appliances.
- Rapid Palatal Expansion (RPE): This is a technique used to widen the maxilla (upper jaw) by separating the midpalatal suture. It is typically used to correct transverse maxillary deficiency, which is a condition where the upper jaw is narrower than ideal.
Cortical Bone Support: Refers to the support provided by the cortical bone (dense outer layer of bone) during the expansion process. This is important for the stability and effectiveness of the expansion.
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