Limberg’s (Rhomboid) Flap: Design, Efficacy and Complication for Treating Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus
Introduction: Pilonidal sinus disease is a common condition usually seen in young adults. Aetiology is uncertain but relates to the implantation of loose hair into the depth of the natal crease. This study was carried out to evaluate the advantages of primary excision and Limberg flap reconstruction in the management of pilonidal sinus disease.
Material and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in a surgical unit from 2021 December- 2023 May. 15 patients were selected after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria and operated by Limberg’s flap technique.
Results: In this study total of 15 patients were taken. Only one patient developed an infection and two patients developed seroma which was managed conservatively and did not require operative intervention. Other patient's wounds healed with no minimal scarring and recurrence till now
Conclusion: Limberg’s flap is very effective for pilonidal disease with low complication rates, short hospital stay, low recurrence rates, and earlier healing.
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