Scrotalcalcinosis: Case Series Diagnosis and Surgical Management
Aim & Objectives: Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis is an uncommon benign disorder of the scrotal skin characterized by multiple calcified intradermal nodules that occur with normal calcium and phosphate metabolism. The pathogenesis of scrotal calcinosis is still controversial. Metabolic and hormonal workup is required to rule out other causes. Surgical excision is required both for confirming the diagnosis as well as for treatment. In this study, we report four cases in our setup.
Methods: In this study, four cases of idiopathic scrotal calcinosis were diagnosed in the Department of Surgery, G.R. Medical College, Gwalior, from June 2022 to May 2023. Surgical excision of the lesion with primary closure was done.
Result: The patients were discharged on the 7th post-op day, and no neoplastic changes were seen in the resected specimen. The histology of the excised specimen showed dense fibrosis of the dermis with foci of calcifications.
Conclusion: Scrotal calcinosis is an uncommon disease with multiple scrotal nodules which is amenable to excision and direct closure, complete excision of even the smallest lesion is required to minimize recurrences.
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