Stature Estimation among three Ethnic Groups in Delta State of Nigeria using the Second and Fourth Finger Lengths

  • Ijeomah Trust Azubike Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
  • Patrick S. Igbigbi Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
Keywords: Anthropometry, Finger length, Nigeria, Stature


Introduction: The progressive rise in the spate of crime and natural disasters has increased the need for human identification by forensic experts and this is based on individual morphologic features. This study was aimed at estimating stature among three ethnic groups in the Delta State of Nigeria using the second and fourth finger lengths. 

Materials and Methods: A total of 1176 adult individuals, comprising 583 males and 593 females participated in the study. An interviewer-administered questionnaire, a Digital verniercaliper, and a standiometer were used to obtain data from the subjects. The data collected was statistically analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20, by calculating means and standard deviations as well as standard errors, with a p-value set at <0.05

Results: There was observed statistically significant difference in stature between the males and females. The study also revealed males have longer fourth digits and a lesser second-to-fourth digit ratio than females (p<0.05). A significant correlation was also found between height and the length of the second and fourth digit lengths but with a higher correlation with the fourth digit length (p<0.05).

Conclusion: This study has indicated that the second and fourth fingers are reliable parameters for stature estimation and can be employed as a tool in human forensic identification.


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How to Cite
Trust Azubike, I., & Igbigbi, P. S. (2023). Stature Estimation among three Ethnic Groups in Delta State of Nigeria using the Second and Fourth Finger Lengths. International Research in Medical and Health Sciences, 6(4), 1-11.